ScienceDirect includes almost 39,000 e-books (including unlimited access to a collection of 2088 electronic monographs published in 2019-2020).
- The ScienceDirect platform includes Elsevier eBooks, BookSeries, Handbooks, Textbooks and more.
- More than 1.2 million articles on ScienceDirect are open access.
- Access to the database is possible in the Computer Reading Room No. 27 of the Scientific Library and, on request, from any computer in the University’s local network:
- Installation of remote access. Researchers from Ukraine have free access to the entire collection. For more information on how to set up access, see the instructions for setting up remote access to ScienceDirect and Scopus resources.
- Webinars on the basics of working with the ScienceDirect database can be viewed on the SSTL of Ukraine page.